This place sold me purely from their wines! Above is a list of the 6 different wines I sampled at Thumbprint, and I loved each and everyone of them. They all tasted great.
Before Thumbprint, I have yet been to a winery / cellar where I liked each and every tasting they poured, but I can now say I have after going to Thumbprint. All the whites and reds tasted wonderful. To be honest, I was because I didn't expect it from a normal looking cellar at all.
My husband and I have gone to plenty of wineries together, and he agreed that this one has the best wines out of all the ones we've visited. A second source has agreed too.
At the end of our tasting, I had to make a tough decision between which bottle I want to take back with me. Although I really enjoyed all the wines I had from here, my husband had already graciously bought me two bottles of wine from a different winery earlier as an early birthday present, so - one bottle from Thumbprint would be plenty! Although, I absolutely love reds and wanted to take a red back with me, the white Viognier was just so fascinating and interestingly tasting, in a good way, that I chose that bottle instead of other ones. It was not your normal typical white, but instead it had different tannins in an intriguing way.
Jade F. - yelp